Turquoise is an organic, light blue to deep bluish green colored , semi – precious type of the mineral phosphate family. The Blue Turquoise Stone the birthstone for December born and welcomes several astrological and healing benefits.
The appealing semi-precious blue gemstone is only one to get named after its official color. This makes Blue stone easily noticeable. Turquoise is the amalgamation of the blue and green color and has the same soothing qualities of both colors offer. People prefer wearing Turquoise Gemstone Silver Jewelry to look glamorous and enhance overall look.
Blue Stone meaning signifies refreshing, feminine , soothing , energy , wisdom, serenity, wholeness , creativity and good luck. Most of the people believe Turquoise color also possesses healing qualities that leave positive impact on the mind and body. Blue Stone is one of the most versatile stone that is worn in the form of jewelry; enabling the ensemble to look captivating.
As per claims, Turquoise neutralizes over -acidity, increase growth and muscular strength and eradicate gout, stomach problems and viral infections. The Native Americans, Tibetans, and Egyptians believed the Turquoise had great healing benefits.
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Meaning and Ancient Facts of Blue Turquoise Stone
The blue-green shade of Turquoise stones has a greenish-blue color and looks dotted with earthy flecks. Turquoise has a very natural appearance. Being naturally hard in nature the Turquoise is best for designing jewelry items that are generally wore. The Blue stone is also known famous by the title of master healer stone; as it symbolizes wisdom and truth.
Turquoise has treated the stone of evolution, welcoming massive change or transformation in life. Blue and greenish shade stone opens your mind to the possibility of all things new and unknown. People believe that Turquoise enables you to accept the need for change. The blue stone gives you the strength to seek it with reverence.
The ‘ Sleeping Beauty” Turquoise actually got from the mountain where it gets mined. The hill is in Arizona and looks like a sleeping woman lying on her back with her arms crossed. Henceforth, the Turquoise gemstone got coined as the “Sleeping Beauty.”
The greenish-blue stone is a famous gemstone for those with many dreams and hope. As per belief, the Turquoise gemstone has qualities to help relieve nervousness and anxiety. Sleeping Beauty Turquoise is famous for its power to enhance communication skills. Reason being the Blue stone stimulates and revitalizes the Throat Chakra.
Advantages and Healing Attributes of Turquoise Crystal
Turquoise has a portfolio of numerous healing qualities. An empowering proof about uniqueness of Turquoise crystal is that it is “life-affirming.” The blue stone Turquoise Ring heals holistically. Since many years people noticed that Turquoise is beneficial when it comes to matters of the heart and mind.
As calming energy welcomes without any resistance. Post that Turquoise promotes sensations of tranquility. The specific peaceful state permits you to process your troubles and feels more connected to yourself and the spiritual plane.
On a physical level the Turquoise gemstone gets used for healing throat-related problems. As blue stone works closely with the Throat Chakra. By throat Chakra opening one can feel empowered to connect with and voice your truth. Use Blue stone to silence the unproductive self-criticisms that arise in mind time to time . Enabling a continuous energy flow through Throat Chakra channel stimulates divine creative inspiration and spiritual expression.
Turquoise Ornaments- Versatile Fashion Statement
The primary reason behind the immense popularity of Turquoise ornaments is that; they match almost any outfit. Turquoise gemstone silver jewelry’s unique and magical color is enough for any ensemble to stand out. The Sterling Silver Turquoise Ring stands out, diverting maximum attention towards the stone.
Blue gemstone gets crafted in the form of elegant pieces of jewelry. The Turquoise Jewelry enables to complement women’s aura in the fashion world. People born in December and with the Sagittarius zodiac sign should wear Turquoise December Birthstone Ring.